Time: 04:00-05:30 PM, WF (Sem 2, SY 07-08)
Course Description: Sets, real numbers, radicals and rational exponents, linear equation and inequalities, quadratics, systems of equations and functions
Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- Perform set operations
- Identify and use the properties of real numbers
- Simplify and perform operations on algebraic expressions
- Determine the roots of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities
- Solve systems of equations and inequalities
- Translate word problems into mathematical symbols and find their solutions
- Find the domain and range of functions and their inverses
- Sketch graphs of functions and relations
Course Outline
I. Sets and real numbers
- Set Notation/Relations/Operation
- The Set of Real Numbers and some of its subsets
- Equality and field axioms of the set of real numbers
- Properties of addition and multiplication, and the order axiom
- Subtraction and Division in the Set of Real Numbers
- Order and Completeness for the set of real Numbers
- One dimensional coordinate system
- 1st Long Exam
II. Algebraic Expression
- Introduction to Algebraic Expressions
- Product and Quotient of Polynomials
- Special Product
- Factoring
- Equivalent Fractions and Sums and Differences of Rational Expressions
- Products and Quotients of Rational Expressions
- Exponents and Radicals
- Operations with Radicals
- 2nd Long Exam
III. Equations and Inequalities
- Linear Equations
- Quadratic Equations
- Equation Involving Radicals
- Equation in Quadratic Form
- Polynomial Equation
- Systems of Equation
- Exponential Equations
- Applications
- Linear Inequalities
- Quadratic Inequalities
- Inequalities involving Absolute Value
- 3rd Long Exam
- Coordinate Systems
- Distance Formula/Midpoint/Slope
- Types of Functions and their graphs; linear, quadratic and exponential
- Operations on functions
- 4th Long Exam
Main Reference: Leithold, L. College Algebra and Trigonometry
Grading System:
Total = (LE1 + LE2 + .. + LEn + TQ)/(n+1)*80% + FE*20%
TQ = Total Quizzes (%)
Grading Scale:
00 - 54 = 5.00
55 - 59 = 3.00
60 - 63 = 2.75
64 - 68 = 2.50
69 - 73 = 2.25
74 - 78 = 2.00
79 - 83 = 1.75
84 - 88 = 1.50
89 - 93 = 1.25
94 -100 = 1.00
Course Policies
- You are encouraged to attend all class sessions.
- Quizzes will be given on a regular basis.
- Excessive absences (20% of class meetings or 8meetings) means a final grade of 5.0
- No special quizzes for being absent for any reason.
- Special long exam will be given only for excused absences.